30 day habit

This saturday marks the first month of blogoratti. Yes it all started on the 17th of december 2008. That sounds so last year don't it? But nevertheless it feels great to have come this far out and it feels even greater knowing that there are people out there following, and reading all the articles,as well as posting comments since that very first time. Thank you for that.

It's all about starting an habit and so far i think i've not done too bad at blogging have i? Once one gets a hang of it,there's nothing to it really.

Habit, according to Dictionary.com, is "an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary"; "a particular practice, custom, or usage".

You only need 30 days to give yourself the chance of creating a new habit or so i heard. So why not start a positive habit today,who knows how far you'd have gone in 30 days. Good luck!

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  1. This calls for celebration!! Send me my beer...
    I'm with you on this, it's all about being a doer and giving yourself a chance to succeed at anything you do. Congrats....

  2. Yes certainly a celebration,hehe. Thanks for that Ochuko. Keep the flame alive by giving yourself a chance..true words!!



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