16 Simple joys in life

Quote of the day: 

I'm youth, I'm joy, I'm a little bird that has broken out of the egg. 
-James M. Barrie

One way or the other we go about life, carrying ourselves and living up to certain standards and expectations. There are habits we employ, goals we pursue, and a million and one other things that add to our sense of fulfilment. But out of all these things, within the elaborate and obvious, sometimes only the little joys bring us greater significance as functioning living things. What is purity if not clarity and restraint -the absence of which complicates and impedes our whole being.  
Some of the simple joys in life occur spontaneously, others deliberate. In the end nothing should stop you from experiencing these simple joys in life.

1.       One of the joys of life is music.
2.       Immersing yourself in a book
3.       Experiencing a moving artistic creation
4.       Learning something new
5.       Finishing a task earlier than planned
6.       Cold nights, warm bed
7.       Being spontaneous
8.       Reaching out to old friends just to say hello
9.       Sunrise and sunsets
10.   Basking in warm sunshine
11.   Sleeping longer on weekends
12.   Having a lazy day
13.   Finding an old diary
14.   Having clarity of thought
15. Waking up filled with positive energy
16. Giving a helping hand

What are some of your little joys in life?

Peace. Love. Light* 

Current Listen: Lighthouse Family - High

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  1. The peace of my home, my sanctuary. I'm blessed to have this wonderful place.

    1. Nothing like a warm sanctuary. Great blessings indeed, greetings!

  2. 16 great things to experience.

    1. Yes indeed, and to think there are a million and one other things out there waiting to be experienced. Greetings!

  3. I love your suggestion to immerse in a book! I'll second that motion.

    1. Nothing like a good book. Appreciate your visit, gretings!

  4. One of mine is doending time with a baby! Great suggestions!

    1. That is a wonderful addition, thanks for sharing. Greetings!

  5. I love all of your joys!! I would add cuddling with your pet :) Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

    1. Surely that must be one of the best joys, thanks for that and warm greetings!

  6. My biggest joy is my family, Alex, the 5 dogs and the 3 cats. :) My home. My hobbies and my garden. My spiritual beliefs are so joyful for me too.

    Shoving the driveway this morning (2 feet!!! aaack!)...we saw the sun rise on one side of the house, and the moon setting on the other. I LOVE NATURE and everything about the earth and the universe brings me tremendous joy.

    Note, nothing material in my list, though I could squeeze in a good Brie and a Cabernet Sauvignon! :)

    1. That's certainly a lovely description. Family is certainly a great joy and a warm abode to go with it. I like nature too and what would we do without the beauty of it all. Thanks and stay joyful, greetings!

  7. I can say "ditto" to many of those! I'll also add the joy I get from my pets, the joy of being in a relationship with God, and all the wonderful things I see/hear/smell on my morning walks.

  8. Lovely post dear! Have a great week!

  9. Running down a sand dune at full speed until you start to roll.

  10. Watching the birds and squirrels at our feeders, hearing my grandchildren laugh, and the luxury of two scoops of ice cream for an afternoon snack. Always the simple things that bring joy!

  11. my lost youth and poor health saddens us...
    #'s 6, 14 and 15 would be difficult... a bit more cold to endure... (little way of heating home) but at least in the cold you can add a blanket (not as easy dealing with extreme heat)
    brain (and Mind) will not "be at ease" (that is why we stay in my "game-worlds" to Not have to Think as much, good Sir) turmoil and random disordered thoughts fill my head and makes even finally getting to sleep ... mind will not just "shut-up" and allow me to fall asleep...
    # 15... we Always have Energy (our nervous disorder) can even go for a couple of days without sleep till body tires out... but Too many "negative thoughts", good Sir... so we wake and try to "escape" into my "Spore" & "Sims2" game-worlds to have more "piece of Mind"... but, We do still Try...
    ... and Hello from Marshville ... best wishes to you and yours.

  12. Hi there, my nice human friend,

    Some very good simple joys in life. One of my simple joys in life is to take my human dad out for a walk in the amazing English countryside.

    Pawsitive wishes,

    Penny 🐶😀

  13. Chocolate. Chocolate is definitely a little joy

  14. Giving and receiving hugs is number one.

  15. I like every one of the items you mentioned, for me sitting peacefully on my front porch early in the morning with my wife and a cup of coffee before the hustle and bustle of the day begins. Early mornings when everything is still quiet is a perfect time of day.

  16. I think I just wake up each day and let life's gems find me or me find them. Most often I find them in nature or through music and the heavens.

    1. There are gems in life and it's good you surround yourself with such. Warm greetings to you!

  17. I try to live as simple as I can, friend b ... happy winter ... Love, cat.

  18. Great list.
    I add a clean, fresh home and do something about it right now! :-)

  19. Firstly, thank you for your visit to my blog and your kind comment.

    Besides my children/grandchildren/great-grandchildren ..... my greatest joy is the discovery that painting a portrait, building a wooden boat, writing, reading .... are all little parts of the same thing: the jigsaw of my life formed from those pieces.

  20. I just found you through "Jimmys Opinion". Love your blog.
    Ok, some of my life joys.... Coming home from work to my husband who will have my super ready. A warm home, completeing a crochet project I thought Id never be able to accomplish, and the joy of my daughter coming home for a visit every couple of weeks.

  21. Very interesting post! Thanks a lot for sharing)

  22. So many joys in life every thing one does and sees.

  23. My dog's big, wet nose
    Watching an old black and white movie

  24. Walking
    Ice cream
    And many of the things you listed.

  25. They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for.

  26. I completely agree, blogoratti, except #8,11,12,13
    I would add - to have children

  27. This is a fabulous list! Since we just had a big snow storm I would also add a snow day from school and work!

  28. Sounds really interesting! As usual great post)

  29. Your list is perfectly perfect! Hugs...and Happy Friday! RO

  30. All of those are joys - you are right!

  31. Hi Blogoratti-
    Hope you are enjoying your Winter in the UK.
    I absolutely love your list and do many of the things in your list also.

    Things that I enjoy doing are:
    1. Music
    2. Cooking
    3. Eating
    4. Playing with Chaka our Chow
    5. Playing with our cats
    6. Walking
    7. Riding my bicycles
    8. Riding my motorcycle
    9. Doing a good job at work
    10. Spending time with my wife watching British Mystery shows

    Have a Happy WE!
    Peace :)

  32. As usual very interesting! Thanks a lot for sharing)

  33. Thanks for the interesting post! Have a nice day)

  34. Looks really interesting! As usual great post)

  35. Very interesting post! Thanks a lot for sharing)

  36. Uplifting and inspirational like always dear friend!

    my observations says that when people they have learnt LOT( which is funny because universe is big enough to explore and human psyche is quite difficult to understand ) they like to be complicated ,they love to strive for big pursuits of life because they think that being easy to understand and simple to approach is insulting for them ,i feel pity for such fools

  37. Cold, cold water to drink. Texts from my kids. Beginnings and endings (and what's in between too).

  38. Mine, it's nature, traveling and my dog. :)

  39. Great footprint shot and great post! Thanks for sharing.
    Some of my joys: Journal writing, browsing the bookstore, petting the cats, coffee.



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