5 Things That Can Zap Your Energy & How To Avoid Them

Quote of the day: 
What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well. 
-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Our energy levels fluctuate on a daily basis. A high Keeping a vibrant and positive energy can be a hard task, especially if you consider negative external or internal factors that may contribute to how you feel at any given time.

A good way is to identify energy zapping factors and work around reducing or even eliminating them one after the other. I have compiled a list of my energy zappers and decided to share below.

1. Stress
Life is a constant web filled with varying degrees of events and choices. At times things can get pretty overwhelming when we try to juggle too many things at a time. Its okay to take a break, to cut off the unnecessary things and focus on things that really matter. Going back to the things that make you happy is important.

2. Worrying
I have found that worrying too much about stuff does little to solve things. It not only clogs my mind, but it also makes concentrating on other matters difficult. It is an energy drainer, and can be linked to other energy zappers on this list.

3. Lack of proper sleep
Sleep is necessary for rejuvenation. Not having enough sleep can take a toll on the body and mind. And this could translate into other areas, leading to greater complications. Anything can keep you awake; stress, noise, insomnia, illness and so on. A good thing is to plan to sleep early enough, and resist anything that could interfere with your sleeping pattern.

4. Negative People
The people we surround ourselves with matter a lot. In the case of negative people, their actions can often lead to bad impressions- and that's not a very good one. It can leave us feeling drained to even be around them. The way forward is to try as much as possible to keep contact with them to a minimum.

5. Dehydration/Poor Diet:
Not drinking enough water and staying hydrated can lead to fatigue and dehydration. For me, sometimes not eating at the right time can lead to headaches or worse migraines. The ideal solution is to drink plenty of water during the day, and develop a good diet. Exercise, also helps.

There are loads of other energy zappers, the key is to identify them in order to minimize their occurrence. I hope this helps.


Current Listen: Coldplay- Fix You

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  1. Dehydration...most of my liquids come from caffeinated beverages. Not good.

  2. I think worry is the one that gets to me.

  3. Exercising is very important. It frees the mind and gives you energy at the same time. Thanks for sharing these tips with us.

  4. I was wiped out yesterday and it was a total lack of sleep from the night before. Circumstances and challenges kept me up way late. I feel like a new man today after getting 9 hours of sleep last night.

    Worrying is def a drag. So much of it is about things that we have little or no control. Procrastination leads to worry too so we need to organize our lives in a way that we can get done what we need to get done to cut down on our stress and worry.

  5. A perfect person, doesn't smoke, doesn't drink, doesn't cry, doesn't fail and doesn't exist.... oops! So I prefer to say, calories doesn't count on the weekend and during the week .... Exercise!! :))))

    ઇઉ Ell@

  6. These are so important and I have definitely experienced all of them. I think the negative people is the one that surprised me most when I realized how much it was affecting me, only after I stepped away from those situations and made up my mind to be less involved.

  7. All excellent advice worthy of repeating. :)

    Thank you for visiting my blog and your very kind comments.

  8. Usually for me it is lack of sleep.

  9. For me its negative people who tend to zap out energy from my soul.

    Hope you're well & have a great week :D

  10. Thanks for sharing. Along with lack of exercise another energy zapper is not getting enough fresh air. An early morning run or brisk walk is rejuvenating.

  11. The first 3 zappers get to me sometimes. In fact, sequentially...I get stressed out, I start worrying so much about the issue stressing me and then I don't get enough sleep as a result. But i've learned there's more to life than all that.

    Great tips!!!!

    Please check your email.


  12. Great advice here, "B"!
    I'm OK with no.5...but the other four always get me.:/

    Time to do some serious self-assessment methinks!!

    Have a great day.:)

  13. That's an uplifting quote. I feel like it goes in hand with one of your energy zappers, stress...actually, worrying, too. Often times when I'm stressed it feels like there's no way out...but yes, there is always some sort of relief to come... like a well in a desert.

    Hope you're having a good week!

    All the Cute
    Today’s Post: White Graphic Heart Tank

  14. Exercise away and drink 5L of water a day at my sea and screw the negative people.

  15. You certainly hit on the big ones, Blogoratti! I would also add lack of exercise and overcommitment. Thanks for writing about such an important subject. I was guilty of all of them, but I am doing somewhat better now that I'm retired. Still short of time! LOL! Have a good one!

  16. So very true--all of them. People don't think enough about dehydration. Good advice. :)

  17. You are so right and I think also worrying makes no sense :)


  18. I'm suffering 4 of those right now all categorized under the heading of BABY. =) Sometimes we give up being productive for the benefit of others.

  19. Interesting points here ... thanks.

    All the best Jan

  20. Interesting points here ... thanks.

    All the best Jan

  21. Great thoughts to share....I really identify with the "negative people"....I avoid them whenever possible.

  22. I seriously need t o follow these tips.. stress has taken over my life.. thanks fr sharing :)

  23. The first two are what I struggle with most!

  24. Some great advice there. I need to work on all of them!

  25. Rightly said. The key is to find which is biting you and address it asap

  26. And excellent list. Spot on.

    Have a terrific day. ☺

  27. Thanks for this article. And I totally agree with what you said - I recently eliminated some negative people from my life and I've been feeling so good lately.

  28. I drink between six and eight bottles of water a day - I am hydrated!

  29. What a great post and so helpful! I try to do less worrying than I used to, but I do sometimes fall back into the worrying trap. Thanks for the reminder.

  30. Number 4 is one that can lead to number 1. Great post about how to avoid this energy zappers.

    Kreyola Jounerys | Instagram

  31. All the things you have listed affects everyone at some point. I don't sleep all that much. If I get 5 hours then I'm doing well. That's just me. Stress would be my biggest enemy. Fortunately in the last couple of years that has lessened as I no longer work full time. I am enjoying my life much more and appreciating what I have whether it's my relationship, family and friends. I am a lucky guy.

  32. These are all great points, especially negative people!

  33. I need to hydrate more and eat healthier food. I also need more sleep.

  34. This is so enlightening. I have a few problems with a little bit of everything you mentioned which is such a shame because I really need to start living life, but there are sometimes in which I just tend to feel... Well, sad.


  35. Excellent post. I find your blog quite therapeutic and am both impressed and improved by it. Thanks!

  36. Hello, great post! Worrying and lack of sleep does a number on me. Thanks for sharing, enjoy your day!

  37. You're right about worry linking to other reasons. Once upon a time my anxiety level was worrying, until I learned to control it. These days I remind myself to worry tomorrow! You would be surprised by the wisdom of it because the next day the thing we worry about never seems as bad.

  38. Negative people are the worse, I try as much as possible to avoid them.

  39. First three have become a part of our lives like breathing... Its time that we really ensure that we are away from them... Thanks for sharing!

  40. Motivating words! And so true about the water especially!

  41. Sooooo right

    All these have been zapping me each day. Don't just know how to deal with it. I keep growing skinner by the day. One really needs rest from all of this. Let life take care of itself...It is well....


  42. I agree. Stress and worrying can really zap the energy.

  43. Glad dehydration was mentioned; I don't think people drink enough water and its so vital for the health of our bodies.


  44. Great post!!!! Thanks for sharing with us))


  45. No wonder I'm tired! I matched five for five.

  46. Thanks for this wakeup list I tend to be a worrier, even more as I age.

  47. The older I get, the more I value sleep. So wonderfully restorative to body and soul.

  48. Fab advices are this all! I try to live in a good way - so it's always great to read essential rules for being happy! Thanks a lot for sharing with us!

  49. So much food for thought! Thanks for sharing!

  50. i guess 4 me the one hard 2 avoid is negative people. they r every where. it's frustrating at time. ( ;

  51. These are definitely things to think about - esp. negative people and lack of sleep. I think people forget about those things!

  52. An excellent list, thank you for putting it together!

  53. Great list_!
    __Those negative people; they, who so often spew derogatory remarks generated by their own "jealousy," and those remarks should well be considered "complements" by those that were insulted.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. Postagem maravilhosa
    Blog: http://arrasandonobatomvermelho.blogspot.com.br

  56. Thank you. I am familar with more than one of these energy suckers.

  57. I agree with you! For me stress is worse!

  58. You're right about drinking enough water.

  59. In my private opinion first we must leave negative persons to live much better :-)


  60. Negative people and keeping contact with them to a minimum is awesome. They could truly be very draining. I love the desert quote so much. Have a great weekend.

  61. Thanks for sharing this. I have been using some of these tips and I feel energized. I found your tip on stress useful. Sometimes, we just feel stressed over certain things. At such times, I recommend you stop and reflect on the project and see how best to proceed. Some projects are better left undone. But, if you must do it, find ways to proceed without feeling stressed.


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