Love and Happiness and Everything In Between

Quote of the day: 

Why should I be unhappy? Every parcel of my being is in full bloom. -Rumi

In the past couple of years I learned a lot about living with regrets. And with those lessons I’ve forged on with every day life and the enormity of responsibilities it brings. In the end don’t we all strive for the same things; love and happiness. At some point a lack of all three would be glaring to see. However, a surplus of all would even more so be outstanding. 

On Love

Take love for instance. Probably the most searched for thing in the world. Movies depict a world of fantasy where things always work out in the end. But the real world is not as generous or as charitable as the movies would have us think. But what is love anyway, if not an expression of that which we yearn for. A consciousness of soul, body and mind. Loving yourself first, putting your qualities and flaws on the table, discerning, and being conscious of where you are, who you are, and where you are at present -not to forget how you got there.  Love is not just about emotional union. It is the desire for change, for a certain light or lights that you set upon yourself, and like a moth to a flame you give in, yielding to the darkness which propels you into another paradise where loving others is the norm.

On Happiness

And take happiness. When was the last time you were unhappy? True happiness like true love can be elusive. In truth we hold on to our days of unhappiness far too long. We leave gratitude, compassion and stillness locked away in a drawer, while animosity and indifference walk freely in our mind. Every day is a happy day. If the sun doesn’t shine there is one factor responsible for this shortfall. There is a purpose for everything- even clouds forming to make rain and in the process obscuring the sun. But then again isn’t rain as necessary as sunlight and shadows. The same can be said about people. One day they are normal and the next they are not. They make promises and break them. But unlike the weather you can’t predict anything. There is no magic ball to gaze into. There is no palm reading. Yesterday was a dream. Today is reality. Tomorrow is a possibility. 

Peace. Love. Light* 

Current Listen: Prince & The Revolution - Purple Rain

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  1. Such a wonderful post and how eloquently you expressed thoughts on these important factors which make a life. I know many people I should share this with.
    Nothing is perfect, but your last line says it all - "tomorrow is a possibility."

    Thank you for giving me a lot to think about today (and Prince). . . . . and every day to come.
    Happy New Year - let's make it a good one.
    Mary -

  2. Two topics that are immensely complicated. Sometimes I think I know what they are, but then something comes along and knocks me off kilter and I'm lost again

  3. Such wonderful words of wisdom for me to ponder on, and I love this post! Hugs...and Happy New Year! RO

  4. What is a dream? Is it something that you hope for in the future or is it something that you wished for but it didn't work out? It can some kind object desire such as "that's my dream car". All I'm saying I think a "dream" can mean several things. Well at least you made me think.
    My brain hurts.

  5. I enjoyed your post!

  6. Yes, this is a very good post. So many folks truly don't comprehend the real meaning of love OR happiness.

  7. Absolutely beautiful post :) Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  8. Great reflection on the concepts of love and happiness, and how they play out in our lives. I always remember, when I'm not feeling so loving or lovable, that I am first loved by God, and that enables me to offer/feel love. Happiness is elusive, but joy, deep, abiding joy in the Lord is available to all of us.
    Blessings to you!

  9. Fascinating post. Over the years I've been in fortunately few situations where I had to ask myself: Do I want to live with guilt or regret? Always chose regret; it left more room for possibility, reconciliation. As to happiness, I remember JFK being asked if he was happy being president. He said, Aristotle defined happiness as full use of one's powers along lines of excellence, and that his job certainly provided a measure of happiness.

    As for love, there have been many excellent descriptions, all of which are too intense for analysis.

  10. What a great post. So well said!

  11. Love is a question mark. It feels good to be wanted though. Happiness is being happy which one can only really do for oneself. My goodness that sounds cynical but it is not meant to be.

  12. Of recent times, I’ve learnt to allow love and happiness take the first place in my heart despite the hurt and pain and it’s working for me.

    Glowyshoes's blog

  13. So well said... Oozing with positive vibes... Thanks for sharing!

  14. Good messages. Especially that today is realistic and tomorrow is a possibility! :)

  15. Great post. I have to admit- the last time I was truly happy was when I was on the train in Paris, and I looked over to my left and in the distance of about maybe 5 or 6 blocks away, I saw the Tour Eiffel standing. It was so surreal. I was so happy, I remembered tears falling. I was speechless. I have to admit that I was also sad because I had no one with whom to share the experience.

  16. Blessings and happy new year.
    i wish you love, understanding of self, deep bone joy, happiness, contentment and peace.

    Happiness I believe is a choice. You choose it regardless to what live brings your way. You navigate life choosing happiness.

    Love ....simple, complex. Love of self is paramount, not selfish or conceited love rather love of the complete self with flaws, imperfections and acceptance.

    Peace my brother.
    Go forth into the world loving thy self and choosing always to be happy no matter what.

  17. I choose the frequency of love - but, I still feel the rain and wait for the sun on cloudy days.

  18. Well said! Love and Happiness are so hard to define......I found my true love very young after a difficult and loveless childhood and decided I would keep love in my heart all of my life. Happiness is earned, I think. Slow and steady progress towards learning what it is and then cultivating it responsibly. It is a certain level of elevated mood - maintained.....Wishing you peace and love in the New Year. x

  19. I wish you love and happiness. They are not difficult to obtain. Love your self first, then loving people will be attracted to you like a moth to a flame. Let your light shine. Show the world your goodness. Law of attraction says we it must be so. It is all about your emotions and how you feel. Be happy with your current situation. There is always something you can be happy about no matter how small or seemingly insignificant in the moment. Appreciation of something, anything, raises your vibration and you resonate with happy and happiness from other areas is drawn to you. Law of attraction says it must be so. You manifest more of what you resonate. Like begets like. It is what it is until you raise your vibration and change it for the better. We are all source energy in human form and powerful creators of our realities. Seek joy in all things. Peace, light and love. God bless you (the source energy from which all creation springs).

  20. The happiness I have is a joy that comes deep inside me and it is the joy of knowing Jesus as my savior and knowing He loves me.

  21. Thanks for the interesting post! Have a nice weekend )

  22. I wish you love and happiness!

  23. Good words, as always! Yesterday I heard a lecture by Caroline Webb (author of "How to Have a Good Day"). She gives lots of good ideas of how to have a better day. I think I will have to read her book!

  24. Good words.
    I always enjoy your posts and they so often lead to further thought.

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  25. Oh thanks for share this inspiring post

  26. Such a wonderful and inspiring post!

    Linda from Beauty And Tips

  27. Hi Blogoratti - 'love' ... it just is ... as my uncle used to say; then happiness can be wherever we are ... we are so lucky in this world we live in - always relish reading your posts ... cheers Hilary

  28. Happiness is a choice, especially as one ages. Nice post.

  29. Thanks a lot for the interesting post! Have a nice day)

  30. Interesting and uplifting post, thank you!

  31. Good food for thought. When I was 21, I went through an existential crisis and realized there's no point to my life if I don't spend it doing things that add value to my life.

    Since making that change, I've basically been a much happier person overall. Sure, I have hard days, but I'm not as miserable or angry as I used to be.

  32. These was a thought-provoking post on two often elusive topics. While I don't disagree with any of the points you have made here, it would have been even more interesting if you had included some of your own examples of love and happiness on a personal level.

  33. want to Try "Misery"...??? we are officially the Most Hated Person in my Town ....(live in poverty and cannot leave here ) (Death looks like the ONLY way Out of Here).... so, we "give up" and just await Death... Thank you for All of your kind words, good Sir... our best wishes to you ans your.... Stacey


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