Habitual Changes Can Make Life More Meaningful

Quote of the day: 

Our daily decisions and habits have a huge impact upon both our levels of happiness and success. 
-Shawn Achor

We are creatures of habit. Our daily life consists of patterns, routines and bias. Coupled with the different personalities out there things get even more interesting. At times we do certain things not because we need to but because we can. The habits that we project are what we grew up with, picked up along the way or stumbled upon innocently.

Studies have shown that around 40% of our daily routine is performed in almost the same situations from day to day. Behavior becomes a habit. Surely it can then be said that our persona -the way we behave, live, talk and interact with others, or more directly the way that we carry ourselves and the things that we do correlates with the habits that we have formed. Either consciously or unconsciously. How many times have you been told, by a family member or friend about a particular habit that you have but because it's become a routine you never give it a second thought?

We need habits. They help us through the day. Sleeping in a particular way, snoring, waking at a particular time, drinking from a favourite mug, how you like your eggs fried, taking long or short showers, singing in the shower, laughing loudly or not at all when a joke is made, fidgeting when nervous, not making eye contact when telling a lie, buying the same groceries each time, reading product labels out loud, eating in front of the TV, doing laundry at a certain time, taking a nap, checking your phone first thing after waking up, and it never seems to end. All it takes is for our daily routine to be slightly impacted

There are of course faulty habits, those that are difficult to let go of. How liberating it is to be free, to let go of an ingrained habit, deep-rooted like a stain on a rug that wouldn't come off. In this context it's not the stain that is the problem, but the flawed solution of cleaning it the same way and expecting different results. How great would it be to finally find a final and clean solution. Our faulty habits should never be allowed to make a mess of things, overtaking our time, and our lives. It's never too late to break a bad habit. Clean, rinse, repeat. So here's to new and positive habits.

Peace. Love. Light* 

Current Listen: Bon Iver -Wash

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  1. I'm a creature of habit and I don't feel good when mine are disrupted! I've worked hard to eliminate bad habits, but we're all human and they sometimes just creep back don't they?

  2. Thinking about it, my habits have evolved as I aged. They are quite different from when I was a young mother. I am like a whole different person.

  3. Routine is more important as I age but I can be flexible when needed.

  4. I am very much a creature of habit.

  5. I very much enjoyed your post, some of my habits are good, some less so. Thanks for a push to improve...

  6. Great tips and a very helpful post!

  7. Most interesting. May I recommend a great book titled "Do One Thing Different" by Bill O'Hanlon. He speaks to this very issue and it's an excellent read. Enjoy your day.

    1. Thanks for sharing that Carol, I will be sure to find this book. Greetings to you.

  8. I like my routines, but don't mind a change in it once in a while too. : )

  9. We can so easily develop routines that we stick to, but if they become ruts instead of opportunities to spread our wings, we can certainly falter and fall. Thanks for making me, for one, analyze my daily habits.

  10. Habits are a good place to start when one needs to make a change.

  11. Seriously, I look forward to your posts. I learn a lot about myself from reading them. I always feel inspired to do things differently, or stop doing certain things all together. It's true what you say about habits. I'm trying to make new ones, and stick to them. There are some things I have done since graduating from college that I keep talking about not doing anymore, but I still do them. I'm trying to make those changes.

  12. You know my feelings on this subject. I have to take my hat off to you for this thorough post.

  13. Everything we do seems to be done in routine.

  14. Beautiful quote ,delightful photo and inspirational writing as always my friend!

    You are absolutely write that people mostly adopt habits unconsciously .
    i have one habit good or bad don't know that i constantly keep observing my kids the way they talk walk or behave and unconsciously i keep checking that "are they being affected from outside world? as i am extra scared about bad or immodest environment outside including pressure of early awareness from media and learning wrong stuff from people around so i can't leave this habit .
    even i try to notify them if when we sit in friendly comfort zone

  15. Hi Blogoratti - couldn't say it better ... and following that change in habit for 21 days - it's ingrained ... and so necessary for so many of us. Thanks for the reminder - cheers Hilary

  16. Some routines or habits are comforting, like early morning tea in the same mug each day but others can become overwhelming when you feel you would like to change some aspects of your life but can't see a way through. Wonderful post:)

  17. To be honest I struggle to have any other habit than being lazy, so I have to make to do lists every day not to forget stuff...
    Thanks for sharing this!
    Have a good Monday!

  18. Yes, habits are important. I know when the routine changes and the habits have to be relearned, it is always exhausting and pretty stressful. I like my routines. Hugs-Erika

  19. Yes, changing habits are hard but it can be done if we are persistent. All the best!

  20. I'm well aware that it is habit, or routine, that allows me to get through my day. So many things require so much mental effort, it is good when some of those things become routine and can be managed without such effort

  21. Tossing those bad habits aside or the ones that hinder is sure the way to be.

  22. It can be hard to break some of those habits

  23. our persona -the way we behave,
    and the things that we do correlates
    with the habits that we have formed

    Precisely, and making sure these are good habits to start with! Well said, Blogoratti!


  24. Routines are important to children because they give them a feeling of safety. It is important to us because some of us want to avoid the fear of the unknown. There is not a lot of difference between one and the other, is there?

    However... we need to get rid of bad habits... We need to engage in new things once in a while so we can live a bigger life.

    I remember the scene when students stand on desks (Dead Poets Society movie), and see the classroom from a different angle. That may be interpreted in so many ways, ways that we can apply to our daily lives.

    Be well, B.
    : )

  25. Habit and tradition are sisters ... I find I can break with habits, but not so easy with traditions ... Love, cat.

  26. Best to always have good habits. It's hard to break the bad ones.

  27. I'm definitely a creature of habit and it's what keeps me sane, in some respects. I've learned over the years that my habits shift according to my circumstances. The trick is to eliminate those that are not beneficial.

  28. Habits and routines are parts of our everyday lives it's true. Sometimes changing them can result in yet another habit or routine. That isn't necessarily "bad" thing as change is always good, isn't it? I too have some long-standing habits that I've been working on re-thinking.

  29. Beautiful post!! Habits do have an impact on happiness and success!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  30. I enjoy change once in a while. It opens up my mind and keeps things fresh.

  31. There are some things that I'm obsessive about, and have to do in a certain way, but I admit there are some habits that definitely need changing so people around me will be more sane. (lol) Hugs...

  32. I used to have the habit of pipe smoking. If I could justify it in any way I'd take it up again. I loved it and miss it very much. But there's no doubt it is bad, bad, bad for a person so I'll stay away and stick to my not-so-lethal habits, like taking photos.

  33. At the moment I have a huge excuse to come home and just relax.
    And honestly I´m looking forward to when that excuse is gone and I can make myself go forward again.

  34. We are definitely creatures of habit B, but apparently if you can give up a bad habit for two weeks, you are on the way to giving it up forever!

  35. I agree, yes, we are creatures of habit. As I get older I am even more aware of my habits, and find myself doing things that my mum does, when I thought I'd never do them. haha.

  36. Such a great post!


  37. Routines are necessary sometimes but also good is not having any plan and just winging it. I will still have a coffee with me most times...habit.


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