How to Get Better and Ahead in Life

Quote of the day:

Second place is not a defeat. It is a stimulation to get better. It makes you even more determined.”
-Carlos Lopes

Life is a race.
Life is a game...
Winners and losers.

With defeat one shouldn't ever give up..
It's always difficult hearing the victory songs of others-whilst our own songs remain silent from our trembling lips.

Being first at all times takes dedication...and even with that it's never guaranteed.
We all wish to be first in all aspects of our daily lives.

No one goes about thinking "Oh I'd like to be second place in this or that"....

Thing is...society tends to dictate how our existence and confidence should be. People look up to the winner, looking past those forming a long line behind him-forgetting that second place, third, not defeat...just a motivation to get better.

So... as you go about living your life daily, remember this....
You can't always win.
But you can always get better at things....

Current Listen:- James Blunt- Tears & Rain


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  1. As long as there is life, there is hope. Right. Keep going :)

  2. Amen to that!!

  3. @NakedSha: True that..yep!

    @RepressedOne: Yes!! Thanks for dropping by*

  4. Those last two lines, 'you cant always win...', were a good twist. I learn new things each time I read your blog posts.

  5. @Miss Natural: Why thank you miss :)

  6. i don't know what you're talking about. i always win. at everything. *side eyes you*

    lol ok ok just kidding. nice little reminder!

  7. You can't always win.
    But you can always get better at things....

    These last two lines taken with the beginning quote mean a lot.

  8. To strive to be better to strive for perfection....

  9. "Thing is...society tends to dictate how our existence and confidence should be. People look up to the winner, looking past those forming a long line behind him-forgetting that second place, third, not defeat...just a motivation to get better."

    This is powerful.

  10. Really on!

  11. lol@miss.fab..tsk tsk.

    @everyone: Thanks for dropping by guys..much luv!

  12. You got that right.. nice one man

  13. it's good to remind ourselves of this so we can re-define our perceived 'failures' and be able to enjoy our successes.

    have a great weekend, blogo

  14. Just the encouragemnt i need...have a lovely weekend

  15. Dope thing Blogo! Dope thing!! Damn its nice how I always stumble on the best posts when I'm high!

  16. "Winners and losers".

    yes i guess then no again. Life is about fulfillment and living for something bigger than self but then maybe that is just philosophy.

    God is bigger than society so i think God defines a whole lot of things many people think society defines

    He always holds the ace cards...

    Good thought provoking post, i thought for at least 6 mins because i had a response that made sense to me.

  17. "It's always difficult hearing the victory songs of others-whilst our own songs remain silent from our trembling lips."

    So true.

  18. Thank you so much for this post.. I can truly identify with it..

  19. This got to me in no little way.
    This was actually thought provoking.

    I'm in tune with this..

  20. @Harry-Rami Itie: Thank you!

    @histreasure: True talk, yea* Many thanks!

    @Lara: Glad you approve,wink*

    @ Sugarking: Haha...hilarious!

    @Tisha: I feel you on that, no doubt. Thanks for your comment!

    @Jaycee: Yes,true indeed! Nice of you to stop by.

    @2cute4u: Most welcome friend..thank you.

    @sosexy: Glad you feel like wise..nice seeing you on here.

    Thanks guys. Much love!!

  21. Hello Blogoratti,

    I am waving @ you from Iowa, USA. Someone stopped by my blog via yours, so I am here "listening" to your readers. You have a nice spot and a very intersting crowd. I see Trybes is in the house... *waving* @ him.

    And thanks for including me on your blogroll.

    Btw, how did that come about? I am just a small fish in a big sea.

  22. @CareyCarey: Hello there. Welcome!!
    Nice of you to take time out to share your thoughts here-appreciate that and thank you.

    As for the Blog Roll thing, you are welcome! I tend to add interesting and sometimes thought provoking blogs to my roll, i came across yours a while ago, and the rest is history...

    In the end we are all but small fishes in a big blue sea :)

  23. Hmmm.. this reminds me of a quote too... "What makes successful mean isn't that they do not face defeat but they are not defeated"
    Insightful post.

    - LDP

  24. @LE DYNAMIQUE PROFESSEUR: Thank you kind sir!!


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