I Often Zone Out!

Quote of the day: 

Always give a word or sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend, or even a stranger, if in a lonely place. -Tecumseh

Distractions are never ending. You set out to do one thing, and end up doing another thing entirely. It all boils down to one thing, and that is the lack of focus. Many articles and books are out there that reveal just how focusing on one thing at a time can be a deal breaker. Focus or better yet concentration is an art that can be learned as with all things in life.

In the past, I’d often zone out, my mind wandering over hilltops and horizons with my physical body left to itself. I’d day dream and although this was a laudable thing it became more persistent with time. There must be a correlation between a wandering mind and lack of concentration. I could be sitting in class surrounded by fellow students and a teacher, and my mind could be miles and miles away. If this happened to other kids, I do not know. I was in my own world, a vast island with coconut trees, gushing waves and trembling winds. A space filled with essence and with no sense of time just emotions, pure and raw emotions. Maybe it was just a phase of growing up, of stumbling on the possibilities of the human mind. Of course I do not mean to say that my days of daydreaming are over, it’s just that they are a lot lesser than before. A lot less expansive, but more focused I’d say.

Distractions are never ending. There is a lot to contend with today. Throw away technology and this reduces the percentage drastically. No phones, no internet, nothing. What then would we be distracted by? The answer is anyone’s guess. But being able to discipline the mind has its benefits surely. Being in control is a wonderful thing. This ability to be mindful of one’s thoughts, of being aware of time and space, of giving energy to individual elements, time and space, highs and lows, and so on. When last did you take in a lungful of air, slowly and deliciously? When last did you close your eyes to feel yourself breathe in and exhale deeply, when last did you feel the beating of your own heart?

Imagine eating slowly, each spoonful a measure of your inner energy level which you must conserve. Each movement becomes more fluid, every action a milestone, and of course this also translates into other aspects of life –the ability to conserve energy, and not to give it away so freely. This calmness can be practiced, and can become a way of life. It doesn’t necessary mean one should be so rigid as not to be active, but hyperactivity can be draining. One of the best things to do to increase focus and energy levels is by exercising, and studies have shown it improves not just the body but the mind too.

Peace. Love. Light* 

Current Listen: Lorde - Tennis Court

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  1. __I'm often in error. Insultingly to some I expect, I believe that allowing technology to imprint our daily life-schemes can quickly (and often unknowingly) short circuit our mind's wiring. Once it was that simple 'party line' now in the doubling the world's population since then, it's 'on line,' like hanging cloths out to dry. __I selfishly retain control... not needing my cell phone to text me... the next step to take.

    that envelope of manners
    rarely opened


  2. Those are judicious words of advice well worth following.

  3. I love taking in deep breaths and letting my mind wander. It is a great way to recharge ones batteries

  4. Yes, we need to counteract the many distractions these days, but I'm afraid I am still a dreamer. Valerie

  5. Really enjoyed reading this! And I love this song!


  6. Hi Mr. Blogoratti,

    This well-written post resonated with me.

    I have a restless mind and often wonder where the hours slipped to. Sometimes, social media fuels my aimless mental journeys.

    Perhaps, living deliberately might help control the mindless motions. Once one wins the battle against procrastination... :-)

  7. Sometimes its not technology. Sometimes with no laptop and smartphone I daydream for hours. Sometimes I worry about my thoughts but then I make me feel alive.
    I get scared to share my thoughts because they give me joy and society might want to rob me of that joy.

  8. I set off to do one thing,
    but fate has other ideas.
    Suddenly another door opens.

  9. Postagem maravihosa, tenha uma semana abençoada.
    Canal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmO8csZDARM
    Blog: http://arrasandonobatomvermelho.blogspot.com.br/

  10. I believe we have lost the ability to be Content in what we are and this is precisely the reason why we can not focus

  11. Totally agree with you that we should excercise mind too, it's so important!


  12. Life can be a never ending series of distractions ... we all need to zone out, meander, have some quiet time.

    It can improve our senses so much ...

    All the best Jan

  13. Really interesting post...thx for sharing! xx

  14. It is hard not to daydream sometimes.

  15. Such a soulful write... love the quote too!
    Sorry have been tied up with Prompt Nights!

    Lots of love,

  16. I enjoy my morning walk for some of those reasons you mentioned. : )
    I always have a word or smile of greeting when passing by someone. Most smile back.

  17. Lovely post, good thoughts. The Tecumseh quote nearly did me in. Beautiful.


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